Article: "The heartless sky" search rescue paused due to worsening weather conditions
Source: Yonhap News via Naver
1. [+9,764, -297] I understand how upset the families of the missing must be feeling but it's no good to be yelling and swearing at the search team when all they've been doing is putting their lives in danger to help as best as they can. I hope the families can understand that they are risking their lives in the terrible conditions of the ocean as well.
2. [+7,340, -129] Human beings are but a speck of dust when faced against the power of nature...
3. [+5,078, -128] Ah... the sky is so heartless...
4. [+4,693, -582] This can't be happening if there is a god
5. [+4,046, -665] Does god exist
6. [+1,036, -43] Please bring the rain to my district of the country.. Please just improve the weather conditions over there, god, please save my friends
7. [+1,004, -25] I hoped so desperately for the weather to improve today...
8. [+823, -22] Thank you for doing all you can even in the worst conditions..
Article: Death toll rises to 9... 287 still missing
Source: Yonhap news via Naver
1. [+5,102, -111] This morning, I saw on the news that the captain was the first to leave the ferry... while a low-ranking stewardess and a male student both lost their lievs trying to help others escape. My heart broke so much... It's true, the kind do not live long lives. It's the selfish who live long out of greed.
2. [+2,608, -65] Please be alive...
3. [+2,010, -41] Upsetting.. Please come back alive.
4. [+1,833, -52] They are alive. They have to be.
Article: Captain "I'm so sorry to the family of passengers, I am too embarrassed"
Source: Yonhap News via Naver
1. [+3,337, -55] So did you manage to dry up your money?
2. [+3,016, -34] What crime did the 22 year old stewardess commit to suffer her fate while the captain was busy running away... A young woman, just four years older than the students on board with her. When asked by a student, "Unni, aren't you going to wear a life vest?" she had told them, "I'll get off when you guys all have life vests on and leave the ferry"... She's a hero who completed her job until the end, a hero whose death we had to hear on the news. My heart... Please give him the fullest of legal consequences... So that he lives his life knowing the crime he has committed. You are a criminal..
3. [+2,139, -91] ㅋㅋㅋ 69 year old captain, just admit that you wanted to live a long life.. You're sorry? If you're sorry, you should've saved at least one more life.. And why did you not report the accident earlier?
4. [+1,450, -34] He's over 60 years old and was caught drying out a $50 dollar bill at the hospital while young students are losing their lives. I'd kill him with a stone if I could.
5. [+893, -15] You are only human so you were probably scared as well, but shouldn't you have broadcast something before leaving the ferry? The children on board stayed where they were, believing your words... I am so angry!!!
Article: 3 public broadcast stations cancel variety shows two days in a row... few dramas return
Source: Star News via Naver
1. [+1,812, -199] I think it's okay for dramas to come back... but not varieties or music shows. It's torture for both the celebrities forced to perform and the viewers who won't have any ability to smile while watching. It's the least we can do out of respect for the children shivering in the cold underwater.
3. [+1,187, -72] Variety and music shows... for the time being, should be replaced with news specials. It's for the best for both the stars and the viewers.
3. [+1,044, -60] Yeah, keep the tv shows on pause for the respect of the parents and classmates of the missing.
4. [+931, -46] All of the channels are running news specials so a light hearted drama shouldn't be too bad. Varieties, however, should be skipped. Our hearts are too heavy to laugh over a variety show.