Article: "Trusted the subtitles"... KBS Superman 'severe mistranslation' of Japanese subtitles
Source: Kuki News via Nate
Original (Sarang): Mom, have this.
Mistranslation: Peel this for me.
Original (Yano Shiho): Eat it, mom already ate hers.
Mistranslation: You're eating one right now.
Original: Give me one~
Mistranslation: I have to give my dongseng one!
Original: You can't drop it~
Mistranslation: Don't touch what's mine!
1. [+468, -4] As someone who doesn't know Japanese, I rely 100% on the translated subtitles... and I'm sure those mistranslations can cause misunderstandings. They need a solution to this.
2. [+437, -8] The subtitles on Superman really make me sigh
3. [+409, -11] Please use your licensing fees the right way
4. [+43, -2] It's not only the mistranslations but their captions in general are embarrassingly immature ㅋㅋ Makes me not want to watch it
5. [+29, -2] Must they force mistranslations to make a scene seem more funny? Especially on a child's show... Just take it off air.
6. [+28, -1] The scriptwriters are writing their own novel at this point
7. [+26, -3] I get that some things must be staged for the fun of the show but this is going too far;
8. [+21, -0] This isn't mistranslation but straight up staging