Official Websites

According to the information available, websites of 38 Ministries/Departments have not been fully updated in Hindi. Yes Madam, in the Annual Programme issued by the Department of Official Language, for the usage of Hindi in Central Government Offices; a cent-per-cent target has been fixed for updating of Hindi websites for all Ministries/Departments. Instructions have also been issued from time to time that the Ministries/Departments should ensure that all the materials/documents in English available on their websites and on their subordinate/attached offices and public sector undertakings should be updated in Hindi also. Latest instructions have been issued on 17th February, 2012. The progress in this regard is also monitored through Quarterly Progress Report received from the Ministries/Departments.

This was stated by Shri R.P.N.Singh, Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs in written reply to a question by Shri Devji M. Patel, Shri Kameshwar Baitha in the Lok Sabha today.