Dozens of German youth attacked a group of Indian visitors to a village fair in the eastern German state of Saxony. Twelve people were injured in the incident which took place in the early hours of Sunday.My personal observations are that the small towns in Eastern parts of Germany have high unemployment rates after shutting down of many dilapidating manufacturing concerns following the reunification of Germany. Almost half of the workforce go to Western parts of the country for jobs. Those who are left behind enjoy social security and lead a frustrated life. The NPD party is gaining grounds here and xenophobia is only a bi-product. Many somehow get the idea that people come to take away their jobs. Actually after the integration of many Eastern European countries in EU there are a flurry of guest workers from this region. As they look alike, the rage is concentrated on the colored people who are easy pickings.
The Leipziger-Volkszeitung daily in Leipzig reported on Monday that the German mob had shouted xenophobic slogans. "If the police hadn't come, something much worse might have happened here," the paper quoted the pizzeria owner as saying.
Eastern Germany is also grappling with a resurgence in right-wing extremism after recent electoral successes of the far-right NPD party.
"Foreigners Out!" and "The national resistance rules here!" - Der Spiegel has exclusive report and pictures on the news.