The automobile business is different in different nations, after all, people do business differently though out the world. Not long ago, I was discussing with someone in Dubai about the tire business, and how things have changed in the city over the last 10-years, and it is indeed amazing the changes, and the number of automobiles too.
He happened to have been in the tire business for many years and now was considering getting into the mobile car washing business, but not exactly the way we do it here in the US, remember the cost of water there is high, and it is a very valuable resource, as the water comes from desalination and that costs more. Then it must be transported as well. So something like mobile car washing, well, you can understand the concerns with using too much water.
Instead he plans on creating another Green Car Wash business over there, so I asked him; what sort of "Green Car Wash" are you planning in Dubai, I know that water is expensive there, so how are you dealing with that issue? You see, there are many people using dry-wash type products in Dubai to clean cars. He also indicated to me that there are also companies which have come in and used the water in a bad way, as he explained;
"Car Washing by unknown outsiders "Privately hired" they consume more water and make the space around dirty and un hygienic. My interest was to develop and raise such concerns to the higher authorities in U.A.E, luckily they are already working on this project."
It is too bad that outside companies have mis-understood the value of water and are allowing pollution run-off, but I had already heard about this problem, that's too bad, they are not doing it right. So, yes, a better way, and a better business needs to be considered, I realize the water issues there, and the run off problems too. There are ways to do it right without those problems, and it is very smart of him to see this potential opportunity.
Perhaps this case study is of value to those considering how to run auto-repair and maintenance businesses in other markets and in other nations. Please consider all this and again think on it. If you have any questions or comments on this topic then do be so good as to send me an email at your earliest convenience, deal?