2009 Toyota Corolla update

Well I mentioned about how dangerous driving the Corolla was in the winter. Guess what I've been proven entirely correct by Toyota USA and that it wasn't just the vehicles I was driving. Read the handling section to see what I wrote about the Corolla's scary winter handling. This is why I rave on about how the car feels, without it means you lost that connection between the car and the road. You'll have less information as a driver about what's going on with your car and what your next actions should be. I'm still disappointed that Toyota has even got to this point.

The sad thing is, Toyota in 2008 was a company flush with cash and they make such a weak product. I know Chrysler makes some horrible cars but they're bleeding cash on a daily basis unlike Toyota who back then was raking in the dough. It seems being the #1 automaker does bad things to the company that reaches it, GM will never be the same again and I doubt will return to that position again. Toyota the current leader on the sales board has lost the quality that was instrumental from making it a small car company into a auto giant.