Over 25 years of helping customers both in the office and back in the shop has been an experience I can’t explain. I feel I have met all kinds of people from different backgrounds. I don’t claim to be a magician or something like that but as soon as I greet them I get a general idea what kind of person they are. I think that is a plus! Most of the time they are curious Other times, well……Lets not go there right now.
First of all I know they have limited knowledge of whets happening to their car. That’s why they brought their car in. For instance, the most common problems would be an engine misfire. A simple spark plug wire would fix the problem. Usually that’s an indication the rest of the plug wires will be going out to real soon. So then I would need to explain the ignition system to the customer that at this time a whole new set of wires would be wise to install at this point. The reason is, within 2 weeks he will be back madder than before wondering why his car is missing again. In my future Blog I will help you distinguish the good from the bad upsell mechanics!
I read an article that an Automotive Repair Technician has to be very skillful dealing with customers. You have to know Psychology, the Law, social skills, accounting, and technical savvy. In the end I made a lot of friends and repeat customers. The ones that took the time to say hello, I always always made sure they were treated right. So the moral of the story, is, always go back and thank the mechanic personally, he will never forget you! And as always please check out my special hand picked links. Thanks