Cavalier Engine Problems

Cavalier Engine Problems

Engine dilemma diagnosis can be burdensome on a Chevrolet Cavalier, mainly on following models with fuel-injected engines. The fuel, electrical, ignition and intake systems must all daily grind calm for the engine to pace. When attempting to solve your Cavalier's engine problems, criterion one subsystem at a bit to code outside as many possibilities as you can.

Starting Problems

Provided the engine and starter Testament not rotate when the important is turned, analysis the connections between the battery cables and the battery terminals. Provided there is any corrosion commenced, the terminals must be cleaned. Too, tighten the retaining bolts that secure the cables to the battery terminals. Turn the headlights on to construct trustworthy the battery is fully charged. Provided the lights blow in dim, charge the battery. Provided the starter Engine spins, on the other hand does not rotate the engine, remove the starter and Stare at the teeth on both the starter gear and the flywheel. Conceive decided the bolts that connect the starter to the engine block are tight. Whether any are lacking or chipped the starter or flywheel must be replaced. Whether the engine is iron to begin when decalescent, there is a opportunity it could be flooded. Tighten all the bolts that secure the throttle intent and intake manifold. Analysis the vacuum hoses for leaks by spraying soapy baptize on them and watching for bubbles to seem. Provided the engine idles erratically, research the air filter and interchange provided it is excessively blacken or clogged.

Engine Misses

Wait 15 minutes before attempting to begin it again.

Idling Problems

Provided the engine stops soon after starting, trial that all the electrical connections to the distributor, ignition coil and alternator are fastened securely. It could besides be the consequence of a vacuum leak.

Whether the engine misses at sluggish rush remove the spark plugs and make sure they are gapped properly. Extremely contemplate the Glimmer plug wires. If the engine misses while driving at speeds above idle examine the distributor cap and rotor. Replace if it's overly worn or damaged.

Stalling, Backfiring and Lacking Power

If the engine stalls, remove the fuel filter and check to see if it's clogged. Replace as necessary. Tighten the bolts that secure the intake manifold and throttle body; check the vacuum lines for leaks. If the engine stalls out after cruising, it could be a sign the torque converter clutch is malfunctioning. Backfiring on an early model Cavalier with a HEI ignition could be a sign of incorrect ignition timing. If the engine lacks power, check to make sure the distributor is securely bolted to the engine. Loss of power could also be a sign of problems that are not directly related to the engine, such as the clutch slipping or the brakes binding. It could also be a sign of low or uneven cylinder compression. Remove the spark plugs and perform a compression test.

Knocking and Dieseling

A knocking sound coming from the engine is a sign of detonation and could be caused by using the wrong grade of gasoline. It could also be a sign of incorrect ignition timing or using the wrong type of spark plugs. Remove the spark plugs and compare them to the listing to the emissions control sticker in the engine bay. If the engine diesels meaning it continues to run after being switched off, it could be that the idle speed is too high or that the engine is overheating.