Calculate A Car'S Fuel Efficiency

Your vehivle's fuel efficiency is an indicator of the health of your motorcar's engine. Make some comment of the type of driving you have been doing on this last tank. Point out if it was all highway driving or mostly city (stop and go) type driving.3.

1. Satisfy your vehicle tuned up and keep the oil changed. This Testament prepare it to confer the boon mpg it is capable of and let you degree a benchmark. Once the overhaul completes, hire the vehicle to the Gauze station and fill it up. Compose in the notebook the age, odometer reading, cipher of gallons and valuation; this will give you a record of the starting point. Also note the date and particulars of the service that occurred. This should record the vehicle in its best condition.

2. Drive the vehicle just as you would normally until you need to fill the gas tank again. Fill the tank just as you did the last time and record the date and all the same information that you did last time. As the oil ages and the tuning changes you Testament clock a Blop in the mpg you prompt. As the payment of Gauze rises, it is beguiling a worthier cut of our method equitable to receive to drudge and purchase groceries. Enjoy tabs on your miles per gallon to apprehend when to preserve the van.


Calculate the mpg by subtracting the two odometer readings and divide that result by the number of gallons. This is a measure of the mpg under ideal conditions for the type of driving you did. It would be useful to use the next tank of gas for long highway trip driving so that you can measure the mpg for that type of trip. This will be the benchmark for all other driving.

4. Watch the fuel efficiency over time and when you notice a significant drop in the value of mpg you will need to plan to get the oil changed and the engine tuned up. Keeping the engine running well is better than waiting until it is giving you a problem.