Toronto Life Magazine

Happy Friday! I'm on vacation right now from the shop, so I'm spending less time at my computer and more time trying to get my legs to look less like Casper the ghost and have some colour before I wear a dress for my brother's wedding. So far no luck but I have a few days left to accomplish some colour. ;) To end the week I thought I would post some exciting news in my little world. I found (and of course proceeded to buy all of the copies) of a special issue of Toronto Life on stands now....

I was among five pretty cool bloggers that Toronto Life rounded up on the last page of the issue....They wrote "Toronto has its share of home-grown decor blogs. Here to separate the frou-frou from the fabulous, six of our favourites." Noted are Jacquelyn Clark or Lark and Linen, Nikole Herriott, Emma Reddington of The Marion House Book but also as you know, Chatelaine Magazine, the team of Juli Daoust and John Baker of Kitka, and Michael Penney. 

Wheee! Seriously folks, it never gets old seeing your name in print.

Anyhow, I really appreciated the shout-out. I love writing this blog, so to know others like to read it really makes me happy. So thank you for taking part in my ramblings about design decisions, mistakes, and dilemmas. xo Linds