Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose! handmade crafts, christmas crafts, halloween crafts, Angel, Felt crafts, recycled light bulbs Recycled light bulb made into a reindeer. This recycled Light Bulb Santa craft is sure to brighten someone's day. A great Christmas ornament for kids to make and give as gifts. burnt out light bulb rubbing alcohol acrylic paint in white I did reindeer, Santa's and some cows too. Thanks for a She loves to bake, cook and make crafts. Using our free craft instructions you will learn to make reindeer Christmas ornaments from recycled light bulbs and pipecleaners. mustluvdogz's homepage on Webshots How Tags Work Close. Use tags to classify and group your pictures and videos without having to make new als. Pipe cleaners Brown felt for reindeer horns. Here is a reindeer made out of a old buld . Use your own imgination and make a santa or angel. made from a regular light bulb) Lightbulb reindeer ornaments are great crafts geared more towards older children and s. Create an adorable reindeer using a light bulb! Using our free craft instructions you will learn to make reindeer Christmas ornaments from recycled light bulbs and pipecleaners.

How to Make a Christmas Bulb Reindeer Ornament. Lightbulb reindeer ornaments are great crafts geared more towards older children and s. Christmas mini light sets in your choice of color.. Craft Christmas Mini Lights. Short mini light sets. Perfect for crafts! Make it a green Christmas with a Light Blub Snowman. Recycle used light bulbs for this snowman Christmas craft. Reindeer Light BulbSimple, yet pleasing, reindeer light bulb from CraftElf. Crafts gt; Handcrafted Finished Pieces gt; Holiday Featured is a hand painted light bulb as Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Making a reindeer light bulb can be a project for the whole family to enjoy. Use craft foam, additional paint colors or other craft supplies to create features on your characters. CraftsProject Lightbulb Reindeer: Materials: large glass Christmas in 1/2 and wrap around the metal part of the bulb. quot;Reindeer Light Bulb Ornaments Submitted by Penny. Christmas Light Bulb Craft #2 - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Light Bulb: This is a very cute light bulb ornament that kids will love to make. It is common to end up with burned-out Christmas tree bulbs at the end of the holiday season. Does anyone have instructions to make a reindeer ornament using a green christmas tree light bulb on the link below to find several more craft projects using light bulbs.
Recycled Light Bulb Crafts for Christmas for more Santa, Reindeer, Snowman and Angel Light Bulb Crafts on AllFreeCrafts. Easy instructions and photo included with this craft. Easy instructions and photo included with this craft. pop. Light Bulb Angel - Isn't she Heavenly! If you make a light bulb craft, make sure you take a moment to About. If you make a light bulb craft, make sure you take a moment to Guide to DIY Fashion, shared this reindeer ornament she made from a Christmas tree light bulb! and colored foil, these reindeer ornaments light and colored foil, these reindeer ornaments light up any tree. Making a light bulb reindeer can be a project for the whole family to enjoy. Reindeer Light Bulb Ornament This is a great way to recycle those burnt out night lights or Christmas bulbs.