Tips On Hiring Mechanics At Your Auto Repair Shop

There's a lot of truth to the saying: It's hard to find good help.

This is especially true for auto repair shops. Between running the day-to-day operations and managing the books, it can be hard to find time to hire good employees.

If you're looking to find reliable employees, you need to follow the tips below. These five tips will help you find hard-working, reliable employees for your repair shop.

1. Don't Hire The First Person

Take your time to find the right person. Don't just hire the first person that has the necessary skills. You want to find someone that will fit in with your team of mechanics. Take some time to look at several job applicants. Based on their past experiences and qualifications, set up a few interviews. During the interviews, trust your gut. If something doesn't feel right about the applicant, don't hire them.

2. Check References

A lot of auto repair shops skip this step. We're here to tell you that you don't want to forget this step. You want to be sure to check references. When talking with references, ask about the applicant's work ethic. Also ask about how they handle customers and complaints. Finally, you'll want to crosscheck their application with the reference. That way, you'll be able to tell if they were honest on their application. Try to talk with at least two references before hiring anyone. This will help you in the long run.

3. Don't Interview Alone

Have another manager or employee sit in on the interview. This will help to get opinions on the applicant from someone else. After the interview, be sure to get the manager or employee's opinion on the applicant. This will help you to make a decision.

4. Have Questions Prepared

Take some time to prepare for the interview. Have some questions prepared that will help you see if the applicant is a fit. Ask questions about:

  • Skills and certifications

  • Customer service

  • Past job experience

  • Working in a team environment

Having some prepared questions will help you get the information that you need to see if the applicant is the right fit for the job.

5. Give Them A Trial Period

It's a good idea to give them a trial period to see how they work out. This will give you a chance to see their skills in action. You'll also get to see how they work with the other employees. During the trial period, pay close attention to their performance. This will help you to determine if they are the right fit for your business.


Following these five tips will help you find the right employee for your auto repair shop.