New Things, New York & Happy New Year

Hello.  Happy New Year.  How is it March already?  I know its a cliché but time really does fly.  We've had a nice start to 2014.  Some good projects are on the go and we've been busy stocking up the store again after a busy Christmas period..  Olivia and I travelled to New York early February where we spent 10 days trudging around in snow and freezing conditions to find some wonderful things for Black & Spiro.  Some of my favourite finds can be seen above including vintage paintings and one-off textiles.  We still have things arriving weekly from the trip so make sure you pop into the shop for a visit if you are looking for something extra special.

Central Park was like, as one of my instagram followers said, 'a scene out of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe'.  Pure Magic especially for 2 Aussie girls used to the unbearable humidity in Brisbane.