Delta force land Warrior full with crack download

 Delta Force series produced by Novalogic, and is the sequel to Delta Force 2 (DF2). DFLW was sold as stand-alone game and also as part of the "Delta Force Trilogy," a 3-disc set which included Delta Force 1 (DF1) and DF2.Delta Force: Land Warrior is infrequently referred to as Delta Force 3 or DF3. DFLW, LW, or "Land Warrior" are commonly used by players to denote the game. DFLW was a major departure from previous versions in the Delta Force series by including realistic weapon recoil and 5 different player-selectable characters. Each DFLW character has unique combinations of strengths and weaknesses.
Some of these unique character traits are running speed, reloading time, and weapon accuracy

. Players can also select various combinations of characters and weapons, a unique freedom newer FPS games do not offer. For example, a player can select the medic character and use a sniper rifle or a machine gun. The sniper can use a grenade launcher. The grenadier can use an underwater assault rifle (UAR). There are no character or weapon restrictions in DFLW, any selectable character can use any selectable weapon


