How can you get more traffic to your blog?

It's easy to start a blog, but hard to build a successful blog with huge of traffic.. There are many ways to increase traffic to your blog. Fresh content always brings back millions of readers, so be sure to post often new article and contents.

1. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is important part of successful blogger. Always Use the right keywords in your Content or article and tags to get higher in search results. Also, creat your HTML and CSS code Search Engine friendly.

2. Social Bookmarking

Add your blog posts to the social networking sites like facebook, google+, digg, twitter. Doing This will put your post in front of your target audience.


After creating best fresh and unique content always At the end of your post, ask some question or encourage your readers to make comments in your post. Comments always help to keep your blog active in search engine. They also help build traffic.It's also a great way for your blog readers to chat between themselves and make friends.

4. Link Building

Add your websites to Link Building sites and get back link from them.

5. Join Community of your niche

Always join the google+ community, facebook group and other forum and share you article in that site that's best way to get more visitor of your blog.