How to Solve Windows Blue Screen of Death Errors

Do you have or are using a Windows operating system? If so, maybe you've had the name Blue Screen of Death. Blue Screen of Death (also known as the BSOD screen or blue screen) is an error screen displayed by Microsoft Windows system oeprasi that will come out during a potentially fatal errors, or errors that most likely can not be recovered, which in turn can lead to crashes on your system. Blue Screen - the name itself is taken on the color of the screen that is displayed when the error occurred. While on Unix-based operating system, Blue Screen is known as 'kernel panic'.

Causes Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
Errors that occurred in this case is usually associated with hardware or drivers. This causes the computer to stop merepon intended to prevent damage to computer hardware or damage to data. In the latest edition of Windows (such as Windows NT and later versions), errorakan blue screen displays diagnostic information gathered relating to the operating system the bug check.

Solving the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
If you're lucky, the Blue Screen problem will be solved by itself is by rebooting your computer. that version of the Blue Screen version of a simple, but there are also types of Blue Screen is more complicated.

1. If the blue screen error associated with software and drivers
Suppose you can boot into safe mode, then the first thing to do is to perform virus scanning and spyware. do virus and spyware scan using the software update. If it turns out you find 'something' is considered dangerous, it's good exterminated. Once completed please restart your Windows as usual.

If you still have not been handled, did boot back into safe mode. After that, use the restore utility (system recovery) to restore your Windows to run as before. When you operate in safe mode, you can access all the recent restore points created by the system restore utility. This method is considered more flexible than the command 'last known good configuration' on the boot menu which is usually only able to recover one of the last restore point only.

To use the system restore utility, please click 'start \ all programs \ accessories \ system tools \ system restore'.

2. If the blue screen error related to hardware and file system-based BSOD
If you can not boot into safe mode properly or if the 'last known good configuration "in the boot menu has no effect anymore, the error seems to attack the area of ​​hardware or file system. Then you must perform the following steps:

- Perform error checking on hardware
First of all, make sure first if you add any new hardware or peripherals to your system or not? If so, turn off the computer and remove hardware. If it turns out you do not (just) adding a new device or if it is by removing the hardware in question does not affect anything - it means you have to check the memory.

- To check the memory
You can take the Windows Memory Diagnostic program or memory diagnostic Memtest on a floppy disk or a CD from another computer and then use to boot your system and to perform examines memory. If one of these programs display an error in the memory, it is likely that the root of the problem you are looking for. And if you have this, it seems like you have to buy new memory.

- Fix system file is missing or damaged (corrupted).
Windows XP will usually strike work if there are certain system files are missing or damaged. Even if you replace the motherboard, your computer will probably still strike until you do a recovery on the file system or to update it. For that, you have to do the repair install, the way he is:
  1. Boot your XP installation CD
  2. Select the option 'press enter to set up Windows XP now'
  3. Click F8 to get to the EULA
  4. Press R to start the repair install
Similarly, some of the ways you can do to solve the problem of Blue Screen of Death. If it still does not work, it does not hurt to try reinstalling Windows you are using.