Make sure 6 key emergency items in your car at all times

As they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Anything can happen when you hit the road, including break downs and accidents. It’s important to always be prepared and have the following essential emergency items in the car at all times:

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit can come in handy after a minor accident. It can be purchased or home made. Be sure that it includes items like bandages and gauze pads.

Flashlight & Batteries

Breaking down or getting into an accident is bad enough, but it’s even worse when it happens at night in a dimly lit area. Always store a flashlight in the car with an extra set of batteries, just in case. If the batteries don’t work the flashlight is useless.

Flares & Reflective Triangles

Flares and reflective triangles are important because they warn oncoming traffic that there is a disabled vehicle on the side of the road. If the car is stopped near a bend in the road or in an area that isn’t very well lit there is always a chance that a driver won’t see it and may hit it.

Jumper Cables

It’s easy to make a simple error like leaving an interior light or the headlights on, which will drain the battery. Sometimes all you need is a quick jump from a friendly neighbor to get the car up and running again. Having jumper cables in the car can get you out of a jam. Just make sure that you know how to use them properly.

Air Compressor

Driving with low tire pressure isn’t safe. If the warning light is displayed on the dashboard it’s best to address the issue as soon as possible. Since it’s not always easy to find a gas station quickly, or to find spare change to pay for the air at a convenience store, it’s advisable to have an air compressor that can be plugged into the cigarette lighter.

Winter Items

Depending on the time of year and where you will be doing your driving, items like a shovel, winter gloves, a blanket, and sand or kitty litter can be helpful during the winter months if the car gets stuck in the snow or ice.