Want to give access to a site but not to specific pages? Page-level sharing permissions now in Google Sites

Page-level permissions is now available in Google sites, allowing you to control who can view and edit the site on a page by page basis. For instance you can make some pages available for your domain while making some pages private for certain users.

Once enabled, there are three options to choose from:
- allow a page to inherit all of your site-level permissions
- elect to include future site-level changes to a page
- prevent a page from inheriting any future changes made at the site-level

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Sites

How to access what's new:
- Only site owners have the ability to enable this feature which is turned off by default for new and existing sites.
- To turn on page-level permissions, go to ‘More Actions’, then ‘Sharing and Permissions’ and click ‘Enable page-level permissions’. Click ‘Turn on page-level permissions’.
- Select which of the three options you want for that page.

For more information:
Getting started guide: https://sites.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=guide.cs&guide=1387383&topic=1387643

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Enable scheduled releases’ checkbox disabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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