The Revolution in Japanese Retailing

I don't just do autos, I also do research on Japan and teach to earn my keep, lately intro macroeconomics ("Principles"), a course on the Chinese economy (which I've been doing for a quarter century) and come this spring an intensive four-week course on the auto industry.

ere's a link to an article I wrote for the February 2010 edition of TOE (The Oriental Economist report at, part of a book project on the transformation of the Japanese economy since the bubble. I enjoyed working with Rick Katz, the editor, to get it to size, filling the available space, no more, no less. But I don't have anything on Japanese auto dealerships, nor does my co-blogger David Ruggles, who is also knowledgeable in that area. Soon...?
Changing retail, changing lifestyles: From mom & pop to malls
The link now works -- enough snow shoveled to get to campus and upload it. But more snow due tomorrow and again over the weekend....
Mike Smitka