Add page breaks and "go to page" in forms

Have you ever wanted to create a form that changes which questions to show next based on an answer received earlier in the form? The two features we launched today make that easy.

First, we've added one of the most requested features for forms: page breaks. Now it is easy to create a form with multiple pages by going to "Add item" and selecting "Page break."

We've also added another highly requested feature, logic branching. Once you've created a form with multiple pages, you can select "Go to page based on answer" to control the flow of your form based on the user's answers. For example, you can create a form asking for feedback on your product's new features.

To see both of these new features in action, fill out this feedback form.

Pagination and logic branching open up a whole new realm of possibilities. For example, you can create a product survey that asks a different set of questions based on whether someone has used the product before, a conference feedback form that branches based on the session someone attended, or a lead capture form that branches based on the customer's location. We hope you like these new Google form features.

Posted by Dan Ferrara and Jackie Tsay, Bold Practicum Interns, Google Apps team

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