BDR Mutiny: Today's Updates

Twitter messages to start your day with:

TheTravlnAzn: A Minister present at Ambala during talks mentioned that they were aware of the problems in BDR, but didn't see it as a threat.

TheTravlnAzn: Also, there are still a number of missing people that were inside the BDR compound that firefighters spent all night looking for.

nine_L: Find out who is going to be beneficiary, who had the evil plans. BDR was used by external power they are victims. What a HENIOUS crime!

doubtinggaurav: Is it just a BDR mutiny: There’s a second possibility: A faction within the Army, which either owes allegiance t..

birlaa: Bus services to Dhaka suspended indefinitely -

W7VOA: India media, Bangladesh experts say BDR has abandoned border posts -- no guards manning Bangladesh side of 4,000-km border with India.

ehabmehedi More bodies of Mil. Officers extracted. At least 7 bodies dugg out of the ground - Chann i . #bdr #dhaka

littleabout: 38 more bodies found at BDR headquarters: Dhaka, Feb 27 (ANI): Thirty-eight more bodies were found on Friday dur..

KidFromDhaka: I Don't think all member of BDR present @ Pilkhana was involved in murder itwas planned by small group other just followed with mobmentality

Blog views:

Kotha Chilo writes:

What do you call it when a group of "disgruntled" BDR soldiers [Bangladesh border guards] started their expression of grievances by open-firing on the commissioned army officers? Mutiny? Rebellion? Revolt? Uprising? When the events started to unfold at Dhaka's BDR headquarters, Bangladesh news media coined words such as "mutiny" and "revolt".

What happened inside BDR headquarters wasn't any 'mutiny' – that was gross violation of chain of commands and brutality. Even our liberation war did not see so many of our officers dead – killed brutally.
The BDR soldiers said they were repressed, oppressed and tortured by the officers posted in BDR sectors. They said they became "disgruntled" of their [the army's] behaviour as well as corruption. What a way to protest and drive your demands home. Till now, out 186 officers 20 bodies of officers have been recovered from the river and sewage holes. The rest are missing. BDR chief Maj-Gen Shakil Ahmed Chowdhury was killed in the first minute. His wife was burnt alive inside their residence. The soldiers killed many officers indiscriminately without judging who were guilty of corruption and who were not. What do I call it now? The "disgruntled-ness" of soldiers has led to more than 100 deaths.
"disgruntled"? Isn't the wife who is manhandled every night "disgruntled"? Aren't the day labourers who remain unfed and half-fed "disgruntled"? Aren't the people who live under misrule of so-called democratic politicians and power-hungry army dictators "disgruntled"?BDR soldiers – now I feel "disgruntled" at your massacre. I wish I had a way to express my "disgruntled-ness".

BDFact has a theory:
A majority of the Army officers like RAB, Task Forces, Brigades, Divisional HQs, or Units, who were working in different important areas during CTG period, were all posted to BDR as part of the changes of the Govt.

Now that many of them are gone, who benefits from the demise of these 'witnesses'?

An Ordinary Citizen stresses that brutality has no meaning:
We condemn those who to meet their grievances brutally killed the innocent and worthy sons of the nation.

We mourn the death of our brave officers, many of whom had served the nation in their golden career. We also mourn the death of innocent family members and ordinary citizens in the incident.

We express our heartfelt sympathy for the relatives of the dead who have lost their husbands, brothers or sisters in the massacre.

We have no language left but only silent prayer to Almighty for the children who lost their parents and who will remain in shock and pain for long.

This brutality has no meaning. It is not a way to meet one’s grievances.

The government should make a thorough inquiry of the event and punish those who were involved in plotting and executing this heinous act.

Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying reminds:
It is a sad irony that BDR soldiers have carried out this massacre. On the night of March 25, 1971 it was BDR soldiers (then EPR) who became the first martyrs of Bangladesh’s Liberation War when Pakistani soldiers massacred them by the hundreds at Pilkhana. It was the opening salvo of the 1971 genocide. Pilkhana is hallowed ground. These cold blooded murderers have defaced it.

Speaking about the massacre the blogger says:
Now that the BDR “mutiny” in Dhaka is over, bodies of those massacred are being found inside the BDR headquarters at Pilkhana. Other bodies have been discovered dumped into sewege drains. Many army and BDR officers remain missing and it is feared the death toll may rise to 170.

Unheard Voice says:
The anger among the population is rising. More alarmingly, there is news that there is grave frustration inside the army about the handling of this. Amid speculations on the nature of the amnesty, Hasina today hinted on investigating the ‘real instigators’. While that can be done in the mid-long term, in the short term, a clear announcement that no criminals, murderers, rapists and arsonists will be pardoned is a must. Similarly the country needs to mourn and reconcile for the loss of so many army officers.

There will be investigations. General amnesty won’t be applicable to those involved in the killing - Prime Minister said.

- GOVT Announces National Mourning Saturday and Sunday

- Brig Gen Moinul Hossain, AWC, PSC new DG of BDR

Official death toll has reached 67.