Taylor Woodrow Migrates 1,800 Users to Google Apps

Every day more than 3,000 businesses sign up for Google Apps and move to the cloud, and today we'd like to share one of those stories. Taylor Woodrow is a construction firm in the UK that recently migrated all of its 1,800 employees to Google Apps to introduce greater mobility and flexibility to the company's communications.

Rob Ramsay, the company's Director of IT, says that Google Apps offered the perfect package: “Many of our staff are highly mobile. The ability to provide them with access on the move to email, documents, spreadsheets, and everything else that comes with Google Apps will help increase productivity.”

Taylor Woodrow’s needs are not unique to its particular business. Rob could be talking about the needs of tens of thousands of other companies when he notes that “Our employees can now get in touch with their colleagues easily from whatever location they are working at. The mobility coupled with the speed of roll-out, the lack of requirement for a physical infrastructure and the speed of new product development is very beneficial.”

Finances also came into play in their decision to move to Google Apps. Taylor Woodrow estimates that they are saving approximately £1 million on infrastructure and support costs. The products are all hosted and managed by Google, which removed the need to install any software or hardware on site.

And since no construction company can build without worrying about safety and security, it makes sense that Taylor Woodrow is also deploying Google Message Discovery, which provides email security, content policy management, discovery, and archiving services to ensure that employee email is properly protected and retained.

We’re very happy that another large enterprise like Taylor Woodrow has decided to use Google Apps as a foundation of their business, and we’re excited to continue to help businesses of all sizes build their future in the cloud.