Modern House porn

Recently while doing some research for a project at work for modern glass canopy's I ran across this BLOG. While I have an affinity towards a more classical approach to architecture (even stuff as modern as this, symmetry and balance are king) this house really struck me and not just for the beautiful photography!Designed by Shubin & Donaldson in Santa Barbara, the house showcases the views and sunlight the clients were seeking. The wife (who is an interior designer who studied under Rose Tarlow) sought a smaller sized house which I always appreciate - at a roomy 3,200 SF with 1,400 SF of additional storage in the basement ( you can never have enough storage when you're a collector like me!). The house is also very green and aims at sustainability.

view from the back deck
the ground floor plan - that 2nd powder room off the dining room that looks like a sunroom worries me......bad placement!the 2nd flooryet more views from the living room - that fireplace with built-in wood storage is amazing!
views from the master bedroom corner window! Thank you for draperies in a modern house!
Is that a powder room in the middle of hte photo through glass doors off the dining room? That must be a labeling mistake in the floor plan!

a head-on view of the front - I love the amount of balconies!
even the bathtub has a view!
The kitchen is a little too 'trendy' for me but a great layout - love the white terrazzo countertops!

What a magnificent sunset this room must look out over!