Cisco Announces New Developer Tools from AppDynamics

Hot on the heels of its recent acquisition of application performance management company AppDynamics, Cisco announced today that its newest subsidiary will be launching a new developer toolkit as part of its Spring 2017 release. The toolkit is aimed at helping application development teams within enterprises better manage their application development life cycles.

The goal of the AppDynamics' Developer Toolkit is to accelerate the process of building and launching Web and mobile apps for corporations, according to Cisco. The toolkit includes tools to build, test, analyze, and improve on a company’s application products. The toolkit is generally available starting today.

Support for Mobile App Developers

"Today, the application is the business, creating immense pressure on organizations to deliver new experiences that 'wow' customers," said Bhaskar Sunkara, chief technical officer and head of product at AppDynamics. "With our new Developer Toolkit, companies can give their application teams the context of how their code impacts the business and deliver innovation like a digital leader."

Included in the capabilities of the new toolkit is support for new languages and development tools, such as Go (or GoLang) and Xamarin, a C#-based platform used by developers to build native user interfaces for apps on the iOS, Android, and Windows environments. The toolkit also includes new extensions to help development teams integrate and test their apps before and after launch.

AppDynamics' spring release also includes updates to its Enterprise iQ and Business iQ products, both of which are designed to help app developers monitor and improve the experiences their customers have with their apps. The Business iQ update, for example, will include a Unique Crash Tool to analyze crash reports and correlate them with business metrics such as customer conversion rates or revenue. A new Android Studio plugin, meanwhile, should help developers reduce errors when delivering apps for mobile operating systems.

Tracking User Experiences

Business iQ is also being upgraded with new tools to allow developers to track the way their users interact with their applications, including information on events such as scrolling through a screen, tapping a button or link, or using other gestures to interact with a mobile app.

Cisco's goal for the new tools is to help enterprises better meet increasing customer expectations for positive user experiences by making it easier for development operations to overcome the difficulties inherent in coordinating work between multiple divisions within an organization by providing a single tool that everyone involved in the development process can use.

The spring release comes only weeks after Cisco acquired AppDynamics for $3.7 billion on March 23. The subsidiary is now a business unit within Cisco’s IoT and Applications division. AppDynamics, which primarily focuses on managing the performance and availability of applications deployed across cloud computing and data center environments, should help Cisco’s strategy of bulking up its cloud services offerings.