Switch The Pcv Valve Inside A 1996 5 L Ford F150

In 1996 5.0 L Ford F-150 trucks, the decided crankcase ventilation valve--otherwise down pat as the PCV valve--is in the top of the oil filler cap on the Chauffeur's side of the engine. Install a different grommet into the gap on the filler cap. Fold down the contour of the grommet To admit the backside of it to slide into the gap. Turn the grommet with your hands until it seats on the edge of the hole in the filler cap.

1. Place the oil filler cap on top of the Chauffeur's-side valve incorporate; the PCV valve sits in the top of the cap. You'll further clock a rubber grommet that helps seal the gap that the valve sits in.

2. Grasp the PCV valve and pull it straight up and gone of the oil filler cap. There is a booming vacuum hose connected to the valve; remove it by pulling and twisting the valve elsewhere from the hose. It is not clamped in and Testament pop true absent of the hose as you pull it.

3. Remove the grommet from the oil filler cap by using the flat-bladed screwdriver to pry up the limit and then pull the grommet loose. Discard the elderly grommet.

4. The PCV valve is an integral chunk of the emissions method: It uses engine vacuum to remove gases from the crankcase, reducing the compel build-up within the engine. You can pay for a inexperienced PCV valve from Ford dealers or from most Car parts stores, and they're facile to modify.


5. Push the barbed end of the new PCV valve into the large vacuum hose, twisting as you go. Continue pushing it in until it fully seats in the hose. Push the other end of the valve into the grommet on the top of the oil filler cap, making sure it fully seats.