Every Parents think that blogging is waste of time and money !

Do you thing that posting article on blog are loss of your important time and money ? every parents are always think for that matter about son's blogging.

All Blog owner means webmaster always asking problem about Traffic, Increasing google page rank, Unique content etc. but if you see open way then we all observe that this above problem are very common and low percentage because anybody cannot think about house problem for blogging. Blogger's mother and father always know that his son are alway giving most of time to internet for creating and posting article to blog. In this particular problem they are right and correct but they never realize heart of a blogger. so today i will talk with your about why your mother and father (Parents) always say that blogging is a one type of timepass and lossing money.

Problem : Give full time to computer
Today, The biggest and major problem of a blogmaster is about spending his whole time of day to computer on internet. Your parents always think that you are going to wrong way in your life because you give full time spend on internet for chatting, facebook, twitter any many other way. I know that he is right for that matter because Mother and father's main duty to guide you in right direction in your life.

How to solution this problem :
The only way you can defend this problem is spend low time on internet. I know that as a blog master many thing to be research for your content. So I always advice you to that Create own fix timetable of schedule for blogging rather than working 24 hours on internet.

Problem : Your first choice Blogging rather then Learning or studies

Each and every blog owner is mainly enthusiastic to his posting article this is the main reason why he give full time to blogging rather then giving some time on learning, study and other parts. So Webmaster of blogger close the eye of his studies career because wanting success in real life is education is necessary. Blog master always give up small time to study and learning and give more & more time on Blogging this is the cause why your mother and father are serious about your future of their loveable son so he say's that blogging is wastage of time and money.

Problem : Not Earn Even Single coin but blogging and blogging
When you Make money from blogging then your family never complaint about it because money  is coming to home but when blogger fail to makes large amount of earn money then your mother and father always say that your doing blogging work is only waste of time and money. So if you continue blogging you always earn money from that source other wise problem is same it is.

Parents unknown about blogging

Your mother and father or even any family member not know the word blogging so it say that it's waste of time.so blogger owner must explain about blogging and it's benefit and say that blogger is one of the best business for earning money from blogging. so parents can know that our son are not going to wrong way..

As per my think Blogging is make your career. What you think about this ? ...  share your ideas on below comment section