Restore Cracked Vehicle Window Rubbers

Damaged weatherstripping can explanation condensation to accumulate inside the vehicle.

The rubber tubing Component father along the window of your motorcar is besides commonly established as weatherstripping. This news keeps air, moisture and remainder of the gone elements from leaking into the vehicle. Concern your weatherstripping intact is crucial to consideration your air conditioning and heat running at zenith efficiency. Immediately reattach the weatherstripping to the channel. Hold the two elements together or secure the stripping with masking tape until it is dry.

1. Use acetone To cleanse any cracked areas or places where the weatherstripping has separated from the window.

2. Apply weatherstrip adhesive to each side of the crack in the weatherstripping. Hold the cracked area together for about 10 minutes or until it begins to set.

3. Apply adhesive to the portion of any weatherstripping that has completely separated from the window. Apply adhesive to the channel on the car where the weatherstripping detached too. Older cars may suffer from cracked or dislodged weatherstripping. Rather than buy all new stripping, however, you can repair the existing rubber with an adhesive.
