Disadvantages Of Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen fuel stations exist in some parts of the USA.

Rising fuel costs and environmental concerns are even-handed two influences on the search for alternative sources of compel. Hydrogen fuel was once considered a promising compel source over it does not make harmful greenhouse gases when used. There are, on the other hand, various conspicuous factors that stand in the fashion of forming hydrogen fuel a leading pressure source.


Hydrogen fuel is usually stored under high pressure, sometimes even liquefied or in a solid state. Accomplishing this requires copious amounts of energy. Tanks used to store and transport hydrogen fuel are usually made of metal, such as steel.

Pure hydrogen Gauze does not exist naturally on the Globe, on account of it is so glassy that it escapes from the atmosphere, and must be produced artificially. Encircling 95 percent of the community's hydrogen fuel is currently generated from anticipated Gauze. Unfortunately, this case releases greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, condign like burning natural gas as a conventional source of energy.

Storage and Distribution

Over time, hydrogen fuel weakens these metal storage containers, which can cause serious problems, including leaks.

Consumer Cost and Availability

The costs of producing, storing, and transporting hydrogen fuel are ultimately passed on to consumers. Hydrogen fuel cells are expensive and do not last long when compared to other types of cells. Moreover, the limited use of hydrogen fuel means that there are few fueling stations that carry it. The high costs and low availability are not appealing to most car buyers.