Remove Grabbed Engine Pistons

When a piston siezes in a cylinder, Emigration can be problematic.

Piston seizure is a universal engine disagreement. In automobiles and trucks, on the contrary, the disputed point is seldom noticed. A piston may sieze however the other pistons push it buttoned up the engine cycle, and it is freed up rather quickly. The most characteristic symptom is a crooked or broken piston rod. In smaller engine applications such as lawnmowers, scooters, and motorcycles, nevertheless, the pistons ofttimes sieze in the cylinder and gain to be removed so repairs can be prepared. The most frequent creator of a seizure is scarcity of lubrication.


1. Soak the cylinder above and below the piston with penetrating oil. Let the cylinder soak for approximately eight hours. Dry run to ploy the piston by turning the crankshaft fan of the vehicle both clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat this procedure a sporadic times, allowing the oil to soak the piston and the cylinder.

2. Soak the cylinder again with oil, and tap the face of the piston on both the exhaust and intake sides with the soft-faced hammer. Fling to turn the piston again. This should knock any debris loose from between the piston and the cylinder walls. This is sometimes de rigueur provided the cylinder has been infused with doctor, such as when a watercraft or boat engine is submerged.

3. If the piston still does not become free, it is time to purchase a new cylinder, piston and rod. At this point, even if the piston could be removed, the cylinder and piston are probably damaged beyond repair. This should grant the piston to slide concluded the cylinder.

4. Hone the cylinder above the piston and slap Steps 2 and 3 again with the cylinder in the vise. Remove the rod and cylinder from the engine and gently clamp the cylinder in a vice. Heat the sides of the cylinder briefly with the propane torch; this Testament beginning it to temporarily expand. While the cylinder is much sizzling, tap the top of the piston with the soft-faced hammer.