Exhaust Pipe Repair On Motorcycles

Repairing an exhaust yourself is a cheap on the other hand interim locate.

Whether your motorcycle exhaust is noisier than popular, it may charge to be repaired or replaced. A dented exhaust can be unsightly, however repairing it is far cheaper than buying a recent one. A gap in your motorcycle exhaust is a grave box, nevertheless, and should be constant by a able all the more though you can bring about a transitority establish yourself.


Repairing a Dent

1. Remove the exhaust drainpipe by loosening the bolts that clinch it in lay.

2. Fill the exhaust with tap douse once you gain removed it.

3. City the exhaust cylinder in your freezer, which Testament freeze the baptize, causing it to expand and push the dent outward.

4. Research the exhaust channel every four hours to see if the dent is disappearing. If it is still dented after Day and night, thaw it, refill it with water and reposition it in the freezer. Sometimes this process needs to be repeated three or four times.

Repairing a Small Hole

5. Clean the hole with a wire brush to remove dirt and rust.

6. Cover the hole with a piece of wire mesh. The mesh should be slightly larger than the hole.

7. Apply the cold-weld compound according to the directions that come with the brand you bought. Allow it ample time to dry. Start the engine and listen for leaks.

Repairing a Large Hole

8. Cover the hole with a sheet of metal. You can purchase one or use scrap metal.

10. Start your motorcycle and listen to it. If the clamps are attached securely, the exhaust should run quietly.

9. Apply the muffler clamps over the metal sheet to attach it tightly to the exhaust. Do not tighten it too much, as you can further damage your exhaust pipe.