Switch The Radiator Inside A 1998 Honda Social

Modify the Radiator in a 1998 Honda Civic

After thousands of miles of work under its zone, the radiator in your 1998 Honda Civic may break ground to leak or prevent complete coolant flow. Either street, you are risking damage to the engine from overheating. So, nowadays is the period to gate burden of the count. Locate the thermostat housing by following the upper radiator hose to the engine where it connects with the housing.15. Refill the new radiator with a new 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and distilled water.

1. Grounds your Honda on equable ground and ajar the hood. Position a Disinfected, immense empty pan under the radiator, unbolted the radiator filter plug and loosen the radiator filler cap. Bleed the coolant from the radiator completely and then speedy the extract plug.

2. Shift the transmission to impartial, uplift the front of your Honda with a floor jack and block it on two safety stands. Block the rear wheels with a yoke of chocks.

3. Deposit on your goggles, influence under the vehicle and remove the plastic splash shield from under the engine with a ratchet and socket, provided your Honda Civic is equipped with it.

4. Slide the clamps out from the upper and lower radiator hoses at the radiator Trimmings and toward the engine with a yoke of rib-joint pliers. Slide the pan under Everyone hose as you disconnect them from the radiator Trimmings to select any residual coolant from inside the hoses. Store the coolant in a sealed container for next recycling.

5. Position a bitty receive pan on the ground in the course of the cooling lines connected to the radiator, whether your Honda is equipped with an automatic transmission. Disconnect the cooling lines with a border wrench. Arrest the oil with the inadequate pan and plug the lines with Disinfected plastic sheets and a rubber band, to accumulate dirt off the process.

6. Unplug the cooling fan electrical connector. Unfasten and remove the upper radiator bed bracket with a ratchet and socket and disconnect the coolant reservoir cistern hose from the radiator with a yoke of rib-joint pliers.

7. Evaluation for any other brackets or mounting bolts all over the radiator that you might extremity to remove and carefully pull the radiator and cooling fan as a unmarried meeting outside of the engine compartment.

Installing the New Radiator

8. Install the cooling fan on the brand-new radiator with a ratchet and socket and then carefully position the radiator and cooling fan meeting in city inside the engine compartment.

9. Reinstall the upper radiator device bracket with the ratchet and socket and plug in the cooling fan electrical connector. Connect the coolant reservoir vat hose to the radiator with the rib-joint pliers.

10. Reconnect the cooling lines to the radiator finger tight and tighten the path retaining nuts with a wrinkle wrench.

11. Connect the upper and lower radiator hoses and secure the hoses with the clamps using the rib-joint pliers.

12. Change the plastic splash shield under the engine with the ratchet and socket, whether your Honda Civic is equipped with it.

13. Lower your Honda with the floor jack and remove the chocks from the rear wheels.

14. Fill the coolant reservoir vehicle with an Identical concoction of anti-freeze and distilled bathe up to the "Max" purpose, whether de rigueur, and loosen the bleed screw on the thermostat housing with a wrench. You can perform this repair capacity good in your driveway with a infrequent tools you might already own. Prevent expensive repairs and restore your Honda Civic's engine performance without emptying your notecase.


Remove the Radiator

Use the same amount of coolant as the one you removed from the old radiator and have an extra gallon of new coolant ready. Pour the mixture through the radiator neck with a funnel. When the coolant begins to stream through the bleed screw without bubbles, tighten the bleed screw with the wrench. Fill the radiator to the bottom of the neck.

16. Place the heater temperature in the full hot position and start the engine. Idle the engine and watch the coolant level through the radiator neck. When the level goes down, pour new coolant to keep the level at the bottom of the neck. Once the cooling fan operates twice, turn off the engine. Add more coolant to the radiator, if necessary. Replace the radiator cap and close the hood.