Buy Fabric Through The Bolt

Buying textile by the bolt can be cost-effective.

Whether you sew single as a informal hobby, cramped amounts of news may be sufficient for your needs. Nevertheless, when you sew on a aggrandized deadpan target and want to accomplish a conglomeration of products all in the twin essence, buying textile by the bolt can be a extra practical and economical idea of purchasing data. To effect so, dream of diverse options to asset the one finest for your needs.


1. Determine the kind of fabric that you need. Be as specific as possible in the material, the color and any pattern. If you have a sample of the material, that will help you find a bolt of exactly what you are looking for.

2. Determine how many bolts you will need by estimating the amount of fabric you will need per item you are making. Creating or finding a pattern for your sewn objects can help you determine this more easily. Depending on the kind of fabric you are looking for, the size of a bolt can vary widely, though 20 yards of fabric per bolt is not uncommon.

3. Take the sample or the specifications of your fabric to your nearest fabric store. If it is not exactly what you wanted, or is damaged in some way, contact the supplier immediately; after you cut into the material, it will be almost impossible to return.

Some retailers offer discounts to those buying in bulk, as well as to wholesalers.

5. Examine the fabric carefully after it arrives. If the fabric is something simple, they may have a bolt of it in stock and be willing to sell it to you; if not, they should be able to custom-order it for you from their supplier.4. Shop online if you do not have a fabric shop near you, if you wish to comparison-shop prices, or if your local supplier does not have the fabric you want.