Vauen is the oldest German pipe manufacturer and the biggest. Located in Nurnberg Germany. A very rare peace with the signature white dot on the mouthpiece. This high tech carbon company is known for adding carbon into all its products. The PUR1 Pipe does just that, it adds carbon and old
fashion pipe design all in one.
The PUR1 pipe head was designed to give you an upside down look. The design works perfectly for holding purposes. Vauen uses the very best Briar Wood and combines the pipe with the very best carbon from Purisme. The traditional mouthpiece is detachable for cleaning.
The pipe with its hypermodern design will stand by itself using that upside down design. The Vauen pipe company has made two other wood style versions of the PUR1 for you traditional pipe smokers. The Purisme website has the carbon PUR1 listed at retail for about $590 Euros.