How Get Pine Pitch Off My Vehicle

The source of your machine woes

Pine trees proposition year-round Screen, a admirable Aroma and bull glops of pitch on your automobile. Sticking to almost everything it touches, pine pitch can be a valid nuisance, exclusively provided you don't acquire a garage or carport. Happily, pine pitch is easily detachable provided you posses the licence tools. Several household ingredients are able to remove pine pitch from delicate car paint.


1. Dampen the washcloth with one of the following: rubbing alcohol, paint thinner, lighter fluid or nail polish remover. Any of these products will chemically break down the sticky properties of pine pitch.

When finished, wax the car as usual to restore its shine.

Wash the newly cleaned area with the baking powder/water solution to counteract any corrosion in the car paint.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all pitch spots on the car.2. Rub the washcloth on a spot of pitch in a circular motion, applying light pressure. Increase pressure until the pitch comes away on the washcloth.3.