Automobile rental companies assume you are going to pament machine insurance when you rent a motorcar. Some states have insurance as optional while a rare states have it built into their costs. Machine rental insurance is charged beyond the advertised percentage. It's a close and costly expense on the other hand can be avoided, as described in the next steps.
1. Go over the average motorcar insurance company if you are covered when you drive a rental car. Quite a few insurance policies do cover car rentals.
Rent a larger car and not an economy car because some rental companies offer special rates for larger vehicles that already includes CDW/LDW. All things considered, you save more with a larger car than an economy car by not having to get daily insurance fees.
2. Check with one of your upper-level credit card companies like American Express or Mastercard Gold to see if they provide insurance coverage when you use their card to rent the vehicle. Make sure the credit card covers all aspects of liability--most do.3.