Adrian Peterson


Ray Rice
Is it me or is the NFL better than a Soap
Opera or the Lifetime channel combined.
In all seriousness it is actually very very
disturbing and sad. There is now a spot
light on the NFL players, managers and
owners. You can't dismiss these problems
just because the players are stars and in
some cases roll models.

Desmond Bryant

The fact is the NFL is just the icing on the cake as far as being at fault. There are more deeper issues at hand here. This is not the only key year players have been in trouble and I might add a lot of players. The real problem lies from every roll model that these athlete's were suppose to have to guide them from a child to adulthood. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! It starts with a child who is not taught the rights and wrongs from their parents because the parents don't know right from wrong and the movie plays over and over repeating itself.

Jonathan Dwyer

Then the super athlete is pushed through High School and its off to a major college with no education. Now you have a uneducated adolescent who probably is still disturbed by his childhood who is being paraded around campus as a super star. The movie goes on.....the coaches tell the Dean this is our money maker and magically all the classes are passed.

Jim Irsay

The colleges make their millions and then pass the uneducated disturbed adult onto the NFL. The NFL is the last stop and the beginning of a boiling point for an adult with a child's mind who is now going to get millions of dollars and not know how to manage it. The bloodsuckers then come out of the ground and leach onto the new NFL player who might not be able to read let alone handle the money pressure.

Monte Ray Grow
The new fame and spot light has the scared young adult feeling invincible so the partying and showing off starts and escalates into DUI, Domestic Abuse, Drugs, Assault, Reckless Driving, Child Abandonment and more.... A surprise? Not really! The parents failed them, the teachers and professor failed them, the coaches failed them and now the NFL wants to release them and give them back to us the public to deal with and the local law enforcement who just see them as criminals. I don't see them as criminals but more like scared uneducated kids trapped in a adult body. Fighting to make their way through this tiger called LIFE! 

We need to rethink our strategy here. These people are used to make millions and we get mad thinking they are just stupid and blowing a great career and millions but this could not be any further from the TRUTH!