Altering A Driveshaft

Automotive drive-shaft rear yoke attached to the differential.

The driveshaft on your vehicle helps transfer rotating faculty from the transmission to the rear wheels. On the contrary, provided the driveshaft is damaged, it must be replaced. Happily, most rear-wheel-drive vehicles chase a corresponding procedure when removing and installing the driveshaft.

Removing the Driveshaft

Lift the rear and front of your vehicle and backing it on jack stands. Scribe match marks using correction fluid on the differential flange and rear yoke, and the [slip] front yoke and transmission extension housing whether you are going to reuse the twin yokes on the au courant driveshaft.

These marks should rank with Everyone other to avail install the yokes in their archetypal position. This Testament support conduct the distinct driveshaft in balance after installation, paper money James E. Duffy in "Fresh Automotive Technology".

Dwelling a short block or analogous body on the floor underneath the rear yoke. This block Testament advantage as a rest group for the rear chip of the driveshaft once it is disconnected from the differential, and prevent damage to the front driveshaft, popular Seam and rear transmission housing. Then detach the rear yoke from the differential flange using a wrench or ratchet and socket. Whether the Centre divide of the driveshaft is bolted to a frame crossmember, unscrew the mounting flange from the crossmember at the moment.

Pry the driveshaft forward and then let it rest on the block. Provided cold, wrap duct tape sorrounding the caps of the public Seam on the rear yoke to prevent the caps and inner curler bearings from falling off. Instanter, pull the driveshaft from the transmission and carefully settle the shaft on the floor.Then set the driveshaft in its installation position and make sure the rear yoke and differential-flange match marks are aligned.Insert the tip of the slip yoke into the extension housing of the transmission and then push the driveshaft so the slip yoke slides into the transmission housing.Level the rear yoke with the differential flange and push the driveshaft back against it, making sure the match marks are still aligned.

Encompass the rear of the transmission with a plastic bag to prevent fluid from leaking onto the floor.

Installing the Driveshaft

Analysis installation directions included with the new driveshaft and apply a coat of grease to the splines inside of the slip yoke on the front of the driveshaft, if necessary.

Then install the rear yoke mounting bolts but do not tighten them yet. Secure the middle section of the driveshaft to the frame crossmember if equipped and tighten the rear yoke to the differential. Lower your vehicle.