20 Cool CSS3 Animation And Transition Examples

CSS3 is a powerful and quick way to style your WebPages. There are hundreds of properties that you can apply to your HTML to make your website looking awesome without using any JavaScript. The great power of CSS3 ease your projects with easy fast and fresh coding to create a cool animation and fun without the use of difficult programming languages. In this article we are going to share the best animations examples that are powered by the CSS3 webkit properties. You can use the example to design your own animation for your projects. The examples includes the beautiful progress bars, Switch, day and night, Ajax loader, CSS3 Bonus effects, cursor monster, 3D animation and lot more. The major use behind the below animation is webkit properties and the demos will work only in webkit browsers just like chrome, Firefox, IE explorer and safari etc.
You are free to play with the below examples for learning purposes because on the main page you will be able to see the complete tutorial on each example. So, it’s more useful for new web designers and bloggers who just want to get in touch with transition and animation. Every tut is unique and offers you the best way to learn and try it out on your website or projects. Again note that to get the best results from the below examples you need a webkit browsers that support the major CSS3 webkit properties. So, it’s good time to get started to our collection.

CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet

In this tutorial you will be able to learn the fade-in, fade out and more interesting latest properties. This cheat sheet offers you the very cool interface to see and learn how the different animations works in different browsers. So, this is very cool CSS3 cheat sheet to get started!

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Zachstronaut... isocube isocube isocube 

This is 3D cube powered by the great power of CSS. the transition is just cool and awesome that amaze you. I think it offers you the lots of fun and interesting results.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

A Simple Science Animated with CSS3

This is amazing day and night satiation animation. It works fine with the latest browsers and here you can see how day and night change by the power of CSS transition. You can learn lots more from here to implement in your website or to gain more coding knowledge.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation


If you want to animate the text then you need to learn it on animate.css site. It lets you to apply the different types of effects such as fade-in and out and bounce out and bounce in etc. It's good to get more knowledge.

CSS3 atom animation

This is the cool animation of atom that looks nice and reality based. You can see how it works and see the live demo on the author page.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

CSS3 Animation - Just for fun

This is fun experiment and have a cool look in the modern browsers.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

CSS3 Alien Invasion Animation

Very nice example where you can see the best use of webkit properties to create the stunning transition without the use of any JavaScript.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Rocket CSS3

This is a CSS3 experiment by Stan Wilson Jr. Here you can see how the rocket animate and move from one place to another. It's cool and fun.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Different timing functions

In this tutorial you will be able to learn the different types of timing functions in CSS3 such as ease-in, ease-out, ease in out, linear, custom and awesome. All are best and easy to learn.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Card flipping

In this example you will see the best way to flip the movie cards by using the great power of CSS3. The cool animation will amaze you to do it yourself and to learn the way how it works on the web.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

CSS3 multi-animation

The combination of lots of effects to choose from. Here, you can choose the different types of CSS3 effects to learn transitions and animation easily. When lots of effects works togather it looks amazing.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Olympic Story CSS3 Loader

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

CSS3 Graph Animation

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Pure CSS Switch Day and Night 

This is another cool day and night transition by pressing the button. You can play with it for fun and to learn lots more from this tutorial. It looks cool and amazing.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Smooth Pulse

20 Examples of CSS3 animation


20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Animated Progress Bar

This is what lots of designers and developers looking to animate the progress bar. As you know the progress bar have lots of functions and use in the modern web design. So, to get lots from this bar you can see the tutorial.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Nature view CSS3 animation

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

Google Logo With CSS3

Here, you can see the Google animated logo for fun. The whole process is done with CSS3 without the use of any other language. You can learn lots from this tutorial and maybe able to animate your own website logo or project logo for fun. Just amazing take a look at the demo page.

20 Examples of CSS3 animation

All the examples of CSS3 animations are just cool that lets you to learn lots more abput the transition and animation for your carrier, website or a project. We list the best tutorial and hopefully you guys enjoyed it. We try our best to list all the available exmples such as 3D animation, fade in and out and more. If you enjoyed! The article please don’t forget to share it.