[Pann] Cover ups in the army

Pann: Army trying to turn a normal family into a makjang

On the 83rd episode of a TV show titled 'The Truth You Don't Want to Know', the show covered the details behind bullying cases in the army. One account was about a soldier who had committed suicide and the army trying to cover it up as something other than what it was to his parents.

The conversation went like:

Army: Your son commit suicide due to issues with his girlfriend.

Parents: But our son doesn't have a girlfriend?

Army: We found his girlfriend's picture in his cubby. Take a look.

Parents: That's a picture of our daughter.


1. [+98, -0] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ They're crazy ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ They think they can pull this off just because the person's dead and can't talk? ã…‹ã…‹ I hope they get hit by lightning

2. [+77, -10] To all the students who haven't enlisted yet... you're going to be divided into units based on your school ties and other connections with higher ups. You guys may think it's decided randomly but everything about you is calculated before you get placed ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+69, -0] Wow... can't they sue for that? Even if the soldier's dead and can't talk doesn't give them the right to just make up a story like that to a family already suffering from sadness.

4. [+6, -0] What in the world..;; I never imagined this could happen

5. Sigh... seems the army is a place where the powerful are protected while those without power are given no interest even when they lose their lives...

6. Damn... I don't want to send my son to the army ã…¡ã…¡;; or can I follow him in??? Why would I want to send my son somewhere he's going to get so stressed in...

7. Crazy bastards...
