FT Island attends Summer Sonic rock festival

Article: FT Island's recent whereabouts, rock fest diary! 'screaming rock spirit at the world's biggest rock festival'

Source: Naver Ent via Naver

1. [+839, -263] Lee Hongki's honestly a good singer

2. [+536, -94] I like that FT Island always works hard~ just that their lyrics are a bit cringe.. ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+490, -83] When are they going to release their self composed album, I'm tired of waiting

4. [+494, -99] FT Island's problem was that they started promoting as a band at a time when the public had no idea what the actual live conditions were like for bands back then. Bands like Nell and Buzz all hand sync on music shows but FT Island's the only one that got hate for it... They've been a band for 10 years and yet people still hate on them for the past and think their skills haven't grown when they have.

5. [+467, -82] Because of their damn agency, they put out underwhelming songs in Korea since they're saving all the high quality self compositions for Japan. Now people in Korea are quick to judge them without knowing their real potential and hate on them without knowing anything. I remember the journalists who went to their 6th anniversary concert last year were so surprised over FT's music and had no idea they were a band like this.. Sungho-ya, please let us get a self composed 5th album next year..

6. [+349, -57] At first, I was really surprised when 90% of the comments on their articles were hateful comments;; I had no idea that Korea was so hateful against FT... I was angry but when I stopped to think about it, it made sense because the public has only ever heard of ballad songs about love and break up from them so of course the public would laugh whenever FT called themselves a rock band. Their agency neglected them, it's realistically hard for them to pursue rock in Korea, and they debuted under the title of idols so they're always underrated... All of these unfortunate factors come together. Still, I can see them growing.

7. [+308, -84] Hurry up with the comeback..!

8. [+196, -50] Some of the hateful comments here show the reality of rock in Korea. No matter how much a band does by writing their own music and attending rock festivals overseas, Korea will never recognize them as a band. Until when will Korea prioritize public recognition and public oriented music?
