Article: Hyuna releases 'RED' choreography video... 'sexy beauty' of another level even without kill heels
Source: Starin via Nate
1. [+330, -23] She's a really bad singer but really good at everything else
2. [+310, -36] Honestly, Hyuna's always had to struggle with sexual comments and all sorts of sexual rumors all her life and it just makes me realize how strong of a person she is after seeing Sulli's scandal
3. [+258, -40] She's pretty and I like everything about her but she's such a horrible singer ã… ã… ã… mumblemumble
4. [+26, -3] Out of all of the girl group solos this year (Jiyeon, Hyosung, Sunmi, Hyomin, Hyuna, and Yeeun), Hyuna is the only one who makes people concentrate on the stage for three straight minutes. Sure a soloist needs vocal talent but Yeeun shows that you can be a good singer but still not have the talent to keep the attention on you for an entire stage performance.
5. [+8, -0] She has such big features that make up dolls her up to look like a celebrity without a doubt. She's a good dancer and has a knack for being in the spotlight but her singing and rap skills are... ã… I still like that she seems to genuinely enjoy her job.