Same Old: Kim Soo Hyun, Jun Ji Hyun

Article: Jun Ji Hyun ranks #1 in real estate among female celebrities

Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+850, -74] We allowed this Chinese to make money in our country but now she's going back home

2. [+814, -75] But it's bye bye now, zai jian

3. [+795, -75] How's that Jangbaeksan water taste?

4. [+91, -7] And she still doesn't have enough to pay the penalty fee?

5. [+84, -11] Congratulations Wang Ji Hyun-ssi. Drink lots of that Jangbaeksan water and be happy ^-^ã…—

6. [+68, -8] Who cares if she's #1, she should've managed herself better if she got popular off of 'Stars' tsk tsk. Screw off, Wang Ji Hyun-ssi.

7. [+54, -9] Wang Ji Hyun

8. [+51, -5] A Chinese person invested in Korean real estate ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+50, -6] Had a feeling she'd end up like this; only a matter of time before her airheadedness showed through ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+40, -5] She came like a star and left just as quickly. Heard she owns 26 billion won in property so she seems set until old age. Jealous, jealous~~


Article: Chinese water CF starring Kim Soo Hyun video released

TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,796, -91] There's the Northeast Project and we still have to take back Baekdusan from China but he's sitting here shooting a water CF for them... So disappointed in Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun. They're going to suffer more than they ever would've financially if they had terminated the contract.

2. [+1,739, -102] I always wondered how a star like Kim Soo Hyun would break down but I guess this is his demise ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Farewell, Chinese~

3. [+1,603, -75] Bye, zai jian

4. [+135, -8] Even if people are raging now, why do you think they decided to go through with the CF and disregard us? Because once they comeback with a new drama, people are going to go back to "As expected of Kim Soo Hyun, his acting is the best ã… ã… " People only care in the moment ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Talent will always make people forgive wrongdoings.

5. [+114, -12] Regardless, I always thought he was overhyped. Farewell.

6. [+109, -6] Raised him in Korea only for him to go to China and sell our country off.

7. [+104, -10] Wow ã…‹ã…‹ He doesn't care at all, does he. Screw off, I don't even want to see you.

8. [+70, -4] Makes me uncomfortable seeing him blatantly act like Baekdusan belongs to China. Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun, go be Chinese citizens.

9. [+62, -6] Someone who I thought was so handsome not too long ago... now his looks and even his smile are subpar.

10. [+62, -8] Kim Soo Hyun... I regret the words that I used to praise you and like you. 35 CFs... You wrote a new history in the book of CFs... I hope you made lots of money because that's all you'll ever be making. I'm embarrassed that I once called myself your fan... You probably think I'll forget this, right? Never.
