Mystic89 and APOP Entertainment merge

Article: Yoon Jong Shin and Jo Young Chul producer to hold hands... company merger

OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,556, -34] Mystic 89 is getting bigger by the day lately... I hope that it's in a positive direction.

2. [+1,264, -80] Yoon Jong Shin is a real producer who will put an end to this idol business

3. [+1,079, -36] It won't be long before we get to hear Kim Yerim sing songs composed by Lee Min Soo + Kim Eana

4. [+1,021, -23] A growing company is always great but I hope they don't lose their roots by being blinded by money

5. [+657, -32] A merger seems like a great idea, looking forward to great songs!

6. [+97, -12] Look at their line-up.. They've been adding names one by one and now their genre spectrum is unbelievably large. The big 3 only rely on sucking money out of their idol fandoms anyway.. This company will own all of them on musicality alone.

7. [+68, -7] Daebak ã…‹ã…‹ Will we get to see once more Gain singing a song by Yoon Jong Shin??!!

8. [+68, -12] Yoon Jong Shin is slowly but surely growing his company. They seem better than most idol agencies.
