'Snowpiercer' makes it to Yahoo's top 10 movies of the first half of 2014

Article: 'Snowpiercer' makes it into Yahoo's top 10 movies of the first half of 2014

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+916, -59] Where'd all the people go who were knocking on the movie when it was first released?

2. [+733, -20] Daebak... Must be fun for Song Kang Ho to act since he's so good at it ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+695, -90] Movie shows how uncertain human life is. *spoiler******* Struggle all the way to the front cabin only to die. What's the point?

4. [+527, -19] Amazing...

5. [+401, -11] It's rated 94% on Rotten Tomatoes... Amazing...

6. [+109, -11] ****spoiler**************** I liked how the movie showed the history of mankind through each cabin and the dark side of them too. What left the biggest impression on me though was the ending with the entire movie being about white people fighting but the last people alive were Go Ah Sung and the black child. It differentiated itself from all of the white supremacy movies who always make white people win in the end. The ending worked for everyone in the end since children being our future is a concept everyone can understand. Koreans had too much expectations for the movie but it's definitely one that you can enjoy both the action and deep thoughts with at once.

7. [+96, -3] The movie managed to bottle up the entire world in one train... Not to save on production fees but everything felt just enough.

8. [+87, -5] Snowpiercer is a masterpiece. Tilda Swinton's acting was amazing.
