This museum has everything going for it in my book; the architecture is modeled on the Hotel de Salm in Paris, the collections span everything from porcelain, Egyptian relics, decorative arts and paintings from the golden age of Europe, and the views of San Francisco and the bay from the hilltop location are stunning.
The entry is a long procession between the gallery wings past one of Rodin's 'The Thinker' sculptures.
Inside each gallery houses a different genre of art so there really is something for everyone!
Each gallery also has its own color scheme -the English Country house room is a striking red.
One of the period rooms featured excellent natural wood and gilded boiseries.
The stunning Italian rock crystal chandelier dates to 1730 and was a gift to the museum from Madame Jacques Balsan, nee Consuelo Vanderbilt.
I loved how the case protecting this lovely terra cotta lady allowed her to gaze upon herself in reflection.
Rodin's works are to be found throughout the museum.
The most stunning item in the collection though has to be the polychromed Spanish wood ceiling from around 1500 - gasps are literally heard as one walks into the gallery. Be sure to visit the Legion of Honor museum whilst in San Francisco!