Transfer "On My iPhone" notes to iCloud

Ever synced your local iPhone or iPad notes to iCloud? If you did, you would’ve noticed that the local notes which already existed on the iPhone are kept local while the new noes you add to the iPhone are the ones added to your iCloud account.

So how can you transfer the iPhone notes which were kept locally on your iPhone and which appear under “On My iPhone” to iCloud?

icloud and on my iphone notes in ios 7

Transfer local iPhone notes to iCloud in one go

Here’s how to move your “On My iPhone” notes to iCloud.

1. iCloud will not push the local “On My iPhone” to your online account. Instead, you would need to use a CopyTrans Contacts, a PC program which transfer the notes to iCloud in one go. Download the program from the following link:

button transfer iphone local notes to icloud

2. Start the program on your PC and plug in the iPhone via the USB cable. Click on the Notes icon in the main program window on the left to access the local iPhone notes.

main program window in contacts view

3. You will see a list of the notes which are saved directly on your iPhone within the “On My iPhone” account

local iphone notes listed in main copytrans window

4. Now, connect your iCloud account with the program. To do so, go to the More button on the top right and select “Cloud setup”

connect cloud account

5. Click on “ + New connection” and then click “iCloud”

new connection icloud account in cloud setup window

6. Enter your Apple ID credentials, ensure that the checkmark next to Notes is active and click “Add account”. Finally, exit from the Cloud setup window

window allowing to enter icloud username and password

7. Any notes you have in the iCloud account will appear in the program’s main window at this stage. Notice the small cloud icon to the right of such notes

icloud notes appear listed in program window on pc

8. Now, select all local iPhone notes by ticking the box next to each one of them. Right-click on the selection and click “Move to… > iCloud account”

move on my iphone notes to my icloud account

9. The “On My iPhone” notes are all moved to your iCloud account.

all 6 notes have been moved successfully

This is the only way I know to transfer local iPhone notes to iCloud as regular sync will not do it.