Want to Increase Your Car Count for Your Auto Repair Shop? Use QR Codes But Don't Make This Mistake

Image having signs in your waiting room with a specific QR code for each of the services you provide. One QR code directs visitors to a page about your brake service (and maybe a promotion) Another code could direct them to a page about alignment or your A/C Service. The uses could go on and on.

But in so many cases, business set up a QR code and direct visitors to a regular website. That's a huge mistake.

Recent studies show that when visitors scan a QR code and get directed to a regular website that was not intended to display on their hand held device, more times than not they just click away. All the work you put into getting that prospect or educating your customer just went down the drain.

Sure, smartphone users can 'squeeze' and 'pinch' their screens to read, but you've just made it a lot harder for them to get the information they're after. Above that, your regular website was designed to be viewed on a desktop or notebook computer, not a smartphone. Smartphone users still pay a premium for data and bandwidth and you have to respect that. Your regular website pages are too large and (most likely) contain too many graphics and pictures.

How do you fix this problem so you get the most out of QR Codes? Simple. You have to create a mobile website. Mobile websites are typically a scaled down version of your regular website and provide only the information the user wants. In most cases, it should quickly provide WHO you are, WHERE your are and HOW can I contact you.

With respect to using all the different QR codes, the same really applies. Make individual pages that provide the basic information about those particular services. Go one step further and create a coupon or special offer for that service.

If you're a really smart marketing, right on the page you will create a link to have the visitor 'text' you to get a coupon. That way, you gain a customer now and having them on your Text Message List, you can continue to market to them with other offers and specials.

When you use QR codes to build your auto repair business and try to increase your car counts, don't make the mistake of sending visitors to your regular website. It's not going to work because most will just 'click' away.