Salad Days

Coming back to healthy and limited eating is very hard for me after the holidays. It is in these early days of January when I return to eating large and delicious salads for lunch or dinner. This one has spinach, Romaine lettuce, red peppers, red cabbage, left-over tofu, dried cranberries and sunflower seeds. I know that it can be a bit labor intensive to make a salad - to make is as easy as possible, I suggest having a homemade dressing ready to go. Mine is simply olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper, mustard and oregano. Add all ingredients to a small jar and shake vigorously. Then pour on your creation. Another tip to get over the hurdle of salad making: use  whatever is in the fridge - I am a huge fan of the use-anything-and-everything-in-the-fridge school. Radishes, avocados, carrots, tofu, leftover chicken, hard boiled eggs, peppers, grapes, whatever you have!! Good luck and enjoy.