Article: Kim Jun Ho wins 2013 KBS Entertainment Daesang... 10 year 'Gag Concert' veteran
Source: OSEN via Naver + Nate
1. [+8,579, -1,526] KBS seems to really hate Yoo Jae Suk ã…‹
2. [+7,004, -778] Kim Jun Ho worked hard but doesn't Yoo Jae Suk deserve at least one award...
3. [+6,922, -1,111] Apparently KBS gives you awards based on how many programs you're on
4. [+2,714, -854] Yoo Jae Suk, stop going on KBS programs. Awards aren't everything but they're really being too harsh.
5. [+2,416, -723] I didn't think they'd skip Yoo Jae Suk this year again... I watched the entire time just to hear his daesang award speech.
Article: 'Kim Jun Ho wins daesang?' KBS message board spammed with criticism... the selfishness of Yoo Jae Suk fans
Source: Sports World via Nate
1. [+3,351, -744] I wouldn't even care if they gave him an excellence award... but for eight straight years, nothing.
2. [+3,108, -623] KBS is going too far. Yoo Jae Suk is the one who revived Happy Together while on the verge of failure. Kim Jun Ho deserves it but I can't help but wonder if KBS isn't giving it to Yoo Jae SUk beause he's also on MBC and SBS's weekend varieties.
3. [+1,149, -134] Kim Jun Ho worked hard and deserved it and I don't think it's right for fans to put up posts like that on the message board. Imagine how Yoo Jae Suk would feel... Should've just voted hard in other areas to get him a viewer's choice award.