Fix The Fogging Of A Face Shield On A Fullfaced Helmet

Accidents can be caused by your face shield fogging up.

Whether you are riding a dirt bike down a gravel road or driving your snowmobile, it is always frustrating to have the face shield on your helmet get foggy. The fogging is due to a difference in the temperature and humidity between the inside and the outside of the helmet. When you start to sweat or breathe faster inside your full-faced helmet, the shield gathers a moisture mist. Flipping the face shield up periodically to allow air to flow in will fix the problem, but it is not very practical. There are commercial anti-fogging solutions you can apply to your face shield, but inexpensive home remedies will also take care of this annoying problem.


Liquid Soap Technique

1. Squirt a small amount of liquid soap onto the interior of your face shield.

2. Rub it all over the face shield with your fingers until the shield is covered. Let it dry for a few minutes, according to the Off-Road website.

3. Buff it with a clean, soft cloth or tissues. It won't fog up for several hours after you use this technique.

Window Cleaner

4. Spray the window cleaner on the interior of the face shield. Make sure it does not contain ammonia, because the fumes will burn your eyes when you wear the helmet.

5. Spread it around with your fingers until it covers the face shield.

6. Wipe it off with a clean, soft cloth.

Tags: face shield, your face, your face shield, clean soft, clean soft cloth